Everything you should know about the fertility check-up in Singapore

Everything you should know about the fertility check-up in Singapore

As a 36-year-old woman, you may be worried about your fertility, especially if you’ve just had cancer treatment or if you suspect that you may have a sexually transmitted illness (STI); because fertility tests take time, and female fertility declines with age, it is advisable to schedule an appointment as soon as and fertility check up singapore. Your primary care physician (GP) may do an initial evaluation to look for anything affecting your reproductive difficulties and advise you on the next steps.

Questions to expect from your doctor

fertility check up singapore

  • When you see the doctor, be prepared to answer questions about your health and sexual history.
  • Pregnant women who have had previous children
  • The GP will discuss pregnancy difficulties and past deliveries if you are a woman.
  • They’ll also inquire about any previous miscarriages.
  • If you’re a guy, you’ll be questioned about prior relationships and whether or not you’ve had children.

How long have you been trying to become pregnant?

Your doctor may likely inquire how long you have been trying to conceive. If they have frequent, unprotected intercourse, 84% of individuals will get pregnant within a year (every 2 to 3 days). Half of those who fail to become pregnant the first time around will do so the second time around. Keep trying for a little longer, especially if you’re under 40 and haven’t been trying for a baby very long. A few questions about your sexual preferences and experiences will be posted to you.

Since the last time you used contraception

Your primary method of contraception and when you stopped using it will be inquired of. Some forms of contraception might take a long time to cease functioning, impacting your fertility.

Symptoms and medical history

Medical issues, including sexually transmitted diseases, will be addressed by your primary care physician (PCP) (STIs). Your doctor may inquire about whether or not you have regular periods and whether or not you suffer any bleeding throughout your cycle or after having sex.


Infertility may be affected by certain medications. Your primary care physician (GP) will likely inquire about medications you are already taking and may suggest other treatment options. Non-prescription medications, such as herbal treatments and dietary supplements, should be disclosed.


Your fertility may be affected by various things, including your diet and exercise. The GP will require the following information: what kind of cigarette you smoke, how much alcohol you drink, and if you use any illicit substances while you’re stressed.